Hidden Danger of Soffits

Damaged Soffits in need to structural strengthening & replacement. The Often Overlooked Soffits in our home MAY require strengthening to prevent high velocity winds from damaging them during a TStorm or Hurricane. During these events a soffit such as this will allow Wind Driven Rain to enter the home into the attic and soak the insulation. SOak insulation can result in collapsed ceilings and MOLD. Once MOLD is in your home, depending on the extent of spread and length of exposure time, complete mitigation and restoration may be required I’m Bob Stobaugh, prior to my Real Estate Career I managed Building Performance Americas, a business focused on Preventing Hurricane Damage through Proactive renovation projects. To learn more about how you can protect your home from future Hurricane and MOLD damage contact me @ bobstobaugh.michaelsaunders.com or Voice/Text @ 941-320-6350

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